The final subarea of the early childhood content test focuses on the importance of establishing professional relationships with families, colleagues and school administrators. It also covers the broad range of professional responsibilities that go beyond a teacher’s instructional interactions with children. In many ways, these questions are more fact based and rely on your ability to recall specific information that guides the work of educators, from state and federal policies and procedures to the code of ethics that govern our field.
Subarea 4 is the shortest section of the test with only 13 total questions, which means that missing one question here will lower your subtest score more than in any other section. Still, it’s important to keep in mind that your goal is to maximize the number of questions you get correct so that you can reach the composite score of 240 or above. Answer all questions, even if you have to make an educated guess.
Be sure to check out these Subarea 4 related resources:
Now let's review questions about professional responsibilities and relationships.